Typhoons in Hong Kong

Today was a quiet day in downtown Hong Kong – my university was
closed, no public transport and almost every company decided to sleep in
rather than get a bit wet in the rain.

The storm, with a rating of 8, was conveniently rated down at exactly 5pm, pleasing those who don’t enjoy working…

That commerce should stop due to rain outside or commuters stuck at
home seems inexcusable in this technology age and reinforces my belief
in online outsourcing for businesses of all sizes. It can drasticaly
reduce costs, increase redundancy of workers / decrease dependancy on
overpaid workers who are milking their cozy jobs, too.


The businesses who switch first to remote workers will be in a much
better position when other crisis occur in certain regions and
companies, not to mention on a daily basis… in my opinion, written at
4am without sleep

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