UPDATE: The plugin has now been released, please find it here:
I will help explain how to install the free MAMP web server on your Mac.
I received an email from a lady who stumbled upon this blog and was
very interested to learn that it is possible to use WordPress on
MobileMe hosting. I skimmed over the ways to do this in previous posts
and now realise that some more links/info will help others accomplish
the same tasks.
Here is the email:
Hi Leon,
I was looking for solutions to hosting a WP blog on Me.com and
was nothing short of thrilled to discover your blog as a testament to
such a possibility. I’m very keen to perform the procedure on my own
blog but reading your posts has confirmed that I’m nowhere near savvy
enough. I have some questions I’d like to ask you and I hope to not test
your patience too much!Firstly, you said you “setup Mac and Windows portable web server
environments to run my WordPress install locally”. Could you elaborate a
little on this process?If you don’t have the time to answer, that’s fine, and I’d
appreciate it greatly if you could direct me to any other sources of
information you know of.Thanks,
Sure Evelyn, I’ll try. As you may well know by now, WordPress cannot
simply be installed on MobileMe. This is because WordPress needs a web
server with special features. Features which allow programming code to
be executed and web page content to be generated “on-the-fly” (just for

I’m sure Apple’s MobileMe servers are more than capable of these
functions, they are just not made available to us end-users (aka. paying
customers ).
As a web programmer, I often test web sites on my own computer,
having it run it’s own web server which only I can see, ie. not
accessible by anyone else on the internet. This is fine for running
WordPress, but of course nobody would be able to see your site.
I found that with a few tweaks, the same system can be used to run
WordPress on my Mac, while exporting all the posts I make as normal,
non-dynamic, static webpages – perfect for dropping into MobileMe!
There’s 2 parts to all of this:
1. Setting up your own local webserver
2. Customising WordPress to output MobileMe-friendly pages
For setting up your own web server on a Mac, I recommend MAMP which
offers free and Pro versions (free is more than enough for what we want
to do). There are so many good guides already out there on how to get
It’s really as easy as installing most other software on your Mac.
see links below
When you’re ready to customise WordPress, come back here and check
out some of my earlier posts which should give you plenty of ideas, and
please feel free to email me at leon.stafford@mac.com with any specific
Here is a link for MAMP installation:
And another for WordPress on MAMP: