New release of WP Static HTML Output plugin for WordPress

While using the plugin for some development work last night, I was
stumped when it kept failing to scrape a certain URL in the site. For
other URLs, I’d upped the memory limits for PHP and MySQL in attempts to
get the heavy page loading faster, then eventually realised that I’d
not set a long enough delay for the wp_remote_get function to parse the
URLs. For slow servers, this should help fix some issues for some users
(I think we actually have some users for the plugin now;)

Here is the area of code adjusted, from the UrlRequest.php file:

$response = wp_remote_get($this->_url);


$response = wp_remote_get($this->_url, array(‘timeout’=>300));

Until we add a snazzy settings screen for the WordPress admin panel,
you may adjust this time value (in seconds) if working with
exceptionally heavy sites.

On the note of users, I actually
have had a few emails from people trying out the plugin. A few have had
issues which have been resolved, others still stuck, possibly due to
their hosting company’s limitations, but we’ve set up a support forum

WP Static HTML Output support forum

Please raise any issues there and help out others if you can share your expertise.