Encrypt web pages on MobileMe

I used blowfish encryption to password protect and encrypt html files on my MobileMe site.

The usual .htaccess and .htpasswd combination didn’t work with my MobileMe hosting, so I Googled for an alternative.

WARNING: This method uses javascript to decrypt blowfish’d html
content which is good enough for hiding a portfolio from Google’s
indexing spiders and probably enough to stop most employers from knowing
about your moonlighting, BUT I don’t recommend this for protecting any
ultra-sensitive data.

The idea came from this site.

You simply generate your html page, then copy and paste it into their
widget, supply a password and it generates the encrypted html for you
in a nicely wrapped html file plus a javascript file for doing the
authentication and decrypting.

Here’s my portfolio page’s login (In Japanese):

Leon Stafford | Portfolio

*password is “client”

I have since moved my site onto WordPress.com, so this is concept is
no longer hosted, but you may contact me if you need help developing
similar solutions.