12 WordPress Plug-ins I can’t sleep without

I gave up on creating static webpages from scratch a long
time ago for 2 reasons – it was taking my free time away from being
with my family and I wasn’t good enough to make millions of dollars.

Actually, neither of those 2 things have changed, but now I can get a little closer to solving the problems with the help of WordPress and more importantly – WordPress Plugins.

Here are the 12 plug-ins which make my life easier and wife happier

  1. Akismet is built into WordPress and helps keep spammers on someone else’s site
  2. Democracy doesn’t exist in most countries, but it does with these WordPress Polls
  3. FAQ-Tastic is not a web 2.0 spelling for an adult site, it’s a Frequently Asked Question generator
  4. FeedBurner FeedSmith takes a load off my servers for feed requests
  5. Google (XML) Sitemaps let’s Big Brother know what I’m doing (worshiping Google)
  6. HeadSpace ensures a minimum of Search Engine Optimization across my site
  7. Our Todo List is a funny name for a WordPress to do list only I use every day
  8. Paged Comments has saved of my pages with heavy discussion from crashing browsers
  9. podPress has got to beat any other way to easily Podcast with WordPress
  10. Secure and Accessible PHP Contact Form is a contact form which just works
  11. Sociable allows occasional people to  let the (tech news) authorities know about me
  12. WordPress Database Backup is what keeps me and my sites sleeping safe at night

Please let me know if there’s any plug-ins you think would help me
sleep better at night, or ask me a question about using any of the above
life-saving WordPress plug-ins.