I gave up on creating static webpages from scratch a long
time ago for 2 reasons – it was taking my free time away from being
with my family and I wasn’t good enough to make millions of dollars.
Actually, neither of those 2 things have changed, but now I can get a little closer to solving the problems with the help of WordPress and more importantly – WordPress Plugins.
Here are the 12 plug-ins which make my life easier and wife happier
- Akismet is built into WordPress and helps keep spammers on someone else’s site
- Democracy doesn’t exist in most countries, but it does with these WordPress Polls
- FAQ-Tastic is not a web 2.0 spelling for an adult site, it’s a Frequently Asked Question generator
- FeedBurner FeedSmith takes a load off my servers for feed requests
- Google (XML) Sitemaps let’s Big Brother know what I’m doing (worshiping Google)
- HeadSpace ensures a minimum of Search Engine Optimization across my site
- Our Todo List is a funny name for a WordPress to do list only I use every day
- Paged Comments has saved of my pages with heavy discussion from crashing browsers
- podPress has got to beat any other way to easily Podcast with WordPress
- Secure and Accessible PHP Contact Form is a contact form which just works
- Sociable allows occasional people to let the (tech news) authorities know about me
- WordPress Database Backup is what keeps me and my sites sleeping safe at night
Please let me know if there’s any plug-ins you think would help me
sleep better at night, or ask me a question about using any of the above
life-saving WordPress plug-ins.